Hi Dhanesh,

> ( Genaral question : Is  there  any port for spamassasin,amavisd in FreeBSD)

Starting from the end but that is the easy part, yes there are.
>   I have a freebsd-6.0 server with postfix and mailman running on this 
> machine ,

(Side remark: You may consider upgrading to 6.2)

> but I havn't configured spamassasin ,amavisd etc in this box. so I am 
> suffering from spams daily ..

To answer both your personnal email and the one to the list, I am not
using postfix but sendmail.

I am using amavis thourgh amavis-milter, that is a *very* old version
of amavis.

And I am using SpamAssassin through procmail. 

The reason I separated both of them is partly historical (at the timeI
started with them there was no amavisd-new that could call to SA) and
partly philosophical (even if it means expending the atttachments 2
times; on one hand anti-virus is the same configuration for every
users, it is a matter of security policy and no user is allowed to
change that, so it is checked at transport; spam filtering on the
other hand is really a matter of personnal choices, some may have
their own rules, etc. so a message could be treated differently for
each specific user, so it is checked at delivery).

Best regards,

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