dhaneshk k wrote:
Hi  Everbody

I have a freebsd-6.0 server with postfix and mailman running on this machine ,

but I havn't configured spamassasin ,amavisd etc in this box. so I am suffering from spams daily ..

Since I am a new be to FreeBSD , let me requset you to share your expertise (the steps how to install & configure spamassasin,amavisd in this box )

( Genaral question : Is  there  any port for spamassasin,amavisd in FreeBSD)

I use Postfix without spamsassasin or amavisd and I am not suffering badly from spam. I followed this guide:


Then I have added postgrey (in ports) for grey listing.

Cheers, Erik
Ph: +34.666334818                      web: http://www.locolomo.org

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