Elliot Finley wrote:
On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:07:07 -0500, you wrote:

The DSL modem's outside (static) IP is n.n.n.70, the gw
is n.n.n.69, and the mask is  From
inside, I can ping .70, but not .69 (and, needless to say,
nothing else, either).  From the outside, it's the
other way 'round.  Traceroute (from outside) shows different
endpoints for the two addresses (that is, the last hop before .69 is one router, and, when looking for .70, it's
another router (but not the one that leads to .69)).

If I did my CIDR homework correctly, the net is n.n.n.68/30.
Using "BGPlay" (http://bgplay.routeviews.org/bgplay/), I get
the message: "The selected data sources have no information on
prefix n.n.n.68/30.  Please check that this prefix is globally

My question: shouldn't it be 'announced', if the ISP intends
to route me TCP/IP traffic? I apologize for my ignorance, but BGP isn't something I figured to need to know at this point in my life (although, it doesn't hurt to learn, usually)....

anything smaller than a /24 will be filtered.  The ISP would announce
the larger block that your /30 lives in.

Thank you very much, Elliot; You wouldn't believe how hard it's been
to get anyone at, err, "tech support", to even address the issue.
It makes sense, I suppose, otherwise the global routing table would be much larger than it is (?)

Anyone up for further questions?  The .70 --> .69 route on the
modem has a metric of "5", but with the .252 mask, shouldn't it
be required to be one hop away?

Guess I need to head back to "class",

Kevin Kinsey
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