On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:07:07 -0500, you wrote: >[OT Warning] Not related to FBSD, other than the use of >ping(8), which is working as expected, apart from the fact >that the network *isn't*. > >If anyone cares to give an opinion, TIA! > >I'm trying to get a land-based (DSL) solution to my >rather remote office. Found a provider, they (supposedly) >made arrangements with the local telco, sent me the DSL >modem, etc. I set it up as instructed, but we're not >getting TCP/IP here on it. Hours and hours of frustrating >hold music on the telephone, WWW-chat sessions that get >nowhere, etc. The modem "sync" is fine, but, as one tech >put it, "sync but no surf". It's been this way for > >2 weeks. > >The DSL modem's outside (static) IP is n.n.n.70, the gw >is n.n.n.69, and the mask is From >inside, I can ping .70, but not .69 (and, needless to say, >nothing else, either). From the outside, it's the >other way 'round. Traceroute (from outside) shows different >endpoints for the two addresses (that is, the last hop >before .69 is one router, and, when looking for .70, it's >another router (but not the one that leads to .69)). > >If I did my CIDR homework correctly, the net is n.n.n.68/30. >Using "BGPlay" (http://bgplay.routeviews.org/bgplay/), I get >the message: "The selected data sources have no information on >prefix n.n.n.68/30. Please check that this prefix is globally >announced." > >My question: shouldn't it be 'announced', if the ISP intends >to route me TCP/IP traffic? I apologize for my ignorance, >but BGP isn't something I figured to need to know at this >point in my life (although, it doesn't hurt to learn, usually)....
anything smaller than a /24 will be filtered. The ISP would announce the larger block that your /30 lives in. _______________________________________________ freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"