Jack Barnett wrote:
Ivan Carey wrote:
Jack Barnett wrote:
FreeBSD 6.2
Apache 1.3.37 (from ports)
php 5.2.3 (from ports)

on the command line doing `php index.php` works.
But if I use it though a web browser it just displays the php code.

I installed it like this (extensions to)

The only difference is that I'm using 1.3 and not 2.x of Apache.

Apache config below
Installing 2.x isn't an option yet (test server, still need 1.3)

   fire2# grep -i php *
   httpd.conf:AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
   httpd.conf:AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
   httpd.conf:    <IfModule mod_php3.c>
   httpd.conf:        <IfModule mod_php4.c>
httpd.conf: DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html
   httpd.conf:        <IfModule !mod_php4.c>
   httpd.conf:            DirectoryIndex index.php3 index.html
   httpd.conf:    <IfModule !mod_php3.c>
   httpd.conf:        <IfModule mod_php4.c>
   httpd.conf:            DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
   httpd.conf:        <IfModule !mod_php4.c>
   httpd.conf:    <IfModule mod_php3.c>
   httpd.conf:     AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
   httpd.conf:     AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .php3s
   httpd.conf:    <IfModule mod_php4.c>
   httpd.conf:     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
   httpd.conf:     AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
   httpd.conf:     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
   httpd.conf:     AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

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Hello Jack,
I have 2 servers running one with php4 and one with php5

In the php4 httpd.conf I have:
LoadModule php4_module        libexec/apache/libphp4.so
AddModule mod_php4.c

# DirectoryIndex: Name of the file or files to use as a pre-written HTML
# directory index.  Separate multiple entries with spaces.
<IfModule mod_dir.c>
   <IfModule mod_php3.c>
       <IfModule mod_php4.c>
           DirectoryIndex index.php index.php3 index.html
       <IfModule !mod_php4.c>
           DirectoryIndex index.php3 index.html
   <IfModule !mod_php3.c>
       <IfModule mod_php4.c>
           DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
       <IfModule !mod_php4.c>
           DirectoryIndex index.html

# LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages
   # in case of a tie during content negotiation.
   # Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have
# more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this.
   <IfModule mod_negotiation.c>
LanguagePriority en da nl et fr de el it ja kr no pl pt pt-br ru ltz ca es sv tw

   <IfModule mod_php3.c>
   AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
   AddType application/x-httpd-php3-source .php3s
   <IfModule mod_php4.c>
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
   AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

In the Apache2 using php5 I have in the httpd.conf
LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so

# If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you
# probably should define those extensions to indicate media types:
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

I hope this helps you with your configuration,

I don't have libphp5.so anywhere in /usr/local (did a find for it).
the php5 port is broken?  Or do I have to reinstall apache after php5?

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When I want a system with Apache PHP and MySQL.
I install them in the following order.

1. Install Apache
2. Install PHP via /usr/lang/php5-extensions (select the extensions you want, this will install php5 and add the required lines to the httpd.conf)
3. Install MySQL

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