Written by Gerard on 08/23/07 10:10>>
On August 23, 2007 at 10:31AM Jonathan Shoemaker wrote:

    fbsd2> Why should the subscribed members have to deal with spam
    fbsd2> just for the connivance of people who are too lazy to
    fbsd2> subscribe?

    fbsd2> This list admin needs to get their priorities straight.
    fbsd2> Subscribed members protection comes before the lazy public.

A lot of people who migrate to freebsd have never been confronted with
anything more complex than windows, so it makes sense to make getting
help as easy as possible.  The experience of converting to a *nix
system is a daunting one for a first-timer; it takes a whole new shift in
thinking, and people adapt at different rates.  Bear in mind, though,
that these people may one day end up being the ones to contribute new
improvements, ports, assistance, and so forth.  Doesn't it make sense
for a free, community supported operating system to provide that
support in the easiest manner possible?

I employed Windows for years before ever venturing to try FBSD. Doing
that time I subscribed to numerous mailing list. I fail to see any
correlation between migrating from a Windows based OS to a FBSD one has
to do with subscribing to a list. Anyone, with the possible exception
of an AOL'er and an occasional Googler could accomplish that feat.
Compromising the fundamental security and privacy of the end user is
more important than servicing those who lack the ability and or
ambition to subscribe to a mail forum like this.

First, your anonymity and privacy is not under the care of the FreeBSD foundation, nor any other public mailing list that you volunteer your information to. Second, email is not the back door to your world. An email address is a point of contact for some entity on the internet, that's all. If you don't want it known, don't submit it a public record. Your privacy and security are your own responsibility. Third, this is not a forum. It is a mailing list. Mailing lists disseminate messages to a list of subscribers. That's all they do. If you want to talk on a forum, where your inbox is not involved, I suggest you look in to www.bsdforums.org.
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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