I was building a couple of packages, figured I'd do it while at work.
I was using portupgrade, and accidentally hit enter before typing all
the package paths. I quickly ctrl-c'ed to exit, forgetting that that
should not be done while pkgdb is running.

Now I get this error when I try to run pkgdb:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/ports]# portupgrade -N editors/xemacs
sysutils/screen www/lynx
[Rebuilding the pkgdb <format:bdb_btree> in /var/db/pkg ... - 9
packages found (-0 +9) ......... done]
[Gathering depends for editors/xemacs
[Gathering depends for sysutils/screen  done]
[Gathering depends for www/lynx .. done]

It will check for dependancies for the packages I want to install, but
it won't actually install them.

I've tried:
  pkgdb -f
  pkgdb -af
  mv /var/db/pkgdb/pkgdb.db ~; pkgdb -af

and always end up with the same build results.
What is the next step?

-Jim Stapleton
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