Kevin Kinsey wrote:
Predrag Punosevac wrote:
I was wondering if anybody encountered any problems with i810 video driver on 7.0Beta15 current. Namely I did yesterday a fresh installation of an older Pentium III machine and was unable to get X going. I got Xorg as pkg_add -r by the way and the rest of the system was installed from ISO image.
Yes, I did have

Section "ServerFlags"
         Option "IgnoreAbi" "on"

I looked carefully and the listed video driver was i810. I did not manually compile that driver as I thought that was included into XOrg( at least on two other new computers I use i810 driver and it was included into XOrg). I tried though to load it manually into kernel by editing load.conf file. Sorry I am not enclosing log file as I wiped installation. It was very late last night and I thought it will take me half an hour to get things working. I end up spending
3 hours.

Stupid question (especially since I dunno much about 7.0 yet),
but you did have agp_load="YES" in loader.conf, and /dev/agpgart
was created successfully?

Note that I suppose it's possible this isn't necessary in 7.x,
but it has been in the other branches for a Long Time Now(tm).

Yes I did have agp_load="YES". I have done some additional testing last night on that machine. First of all I tried OpenBSD 4.1 and I could start x even without xorg.conf file which is usually true in OpenBSD but the XOrg version is 6.9.
Then I did fresh installation of 7.0 and and did pkg_add -r Xorg.
I was monkeying around with the file and I was able to get going X -config /root/ However when I cp /root/ /etc/X11/ and startx the X would start without clients and then would crush within a second. I could just see various colors all over the place.

Then I tried to use xorgconfig utility and created xorg.conf file with very conservative options ( I decreased the number of colors) This time when I started x everything was fine for about 3 seconds and then crash again and colors all over the place. (kernel is also frozen) I think I am getting somewhere but I need to play with this thing longer. For some reason when I xorgcfg -textmode I would get reply that
the command is not recognized. I will check this again.

I will try couple other things. I will also try to install 6.2 stable and see if I can get Xorg going.

This is an old DeLL dimension computer and the monitor I was using is Sony trinitron 15in. I will try with my 17in DeLL monitor to see if that makes any difference.

Then I tried PC-BSD 1.4 which is 6.2 stable from July and everything went without a hitch. I checked xorg.conf and I saw that the listed driver is Xf86-video-intel-2.1.1

Should I try to install Xf86-video-intel-2.1.1 and then just try to hand configure xorg.conf file.

I did notice some discussion yesterday about i810 but I thought it was relevant just for upgrading not for the new installation.

Any input or suggestion will be appreciated.

Predrag Punosevac

Hoping it helps,

Kevin Kinsey

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