On Sat, Nov 03, 2007 at 05:27:06AM -0700, White Hat wrote:
> This is probably a dumb question; however, I never let a little thing like 
> that bother me in the past.

Heheh! You and many more, my friend, myself absolutely included!

> Using FreeBSD-6.2 and Bash, how do I determine the number of files in a 
> given directory? I have tried all sorts of combinations using different 
> flags with the 'ls' command; however, none of them displays the number of 
> files in the directory.

 $ ls | wc -l

will show you how many files and directories in the current (target)
directory. To count just files, and exclude directories, you could try
something like

 $ find /target/directory -type f -print | wc -l


Daniel Bye
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