Le 26/11/2007 à 13:01:47+0100, Jan Catrysse a écrit
> > -----Original Message-----
> > 
> > I've already send a message. But I don't receive any answer 
> > :-(. I try again and hope there more solution 
> > 
> > I've a bi-proc single core Xeon 3.2ghz with FreeBSD 6.2, I'm 
> > running Mysql 5.X on this server and the performance of MySQL 
> > is very bad. For some complexe select I've got ~6secondes (on 
> > some basic Linux it's take 0.6 sec). And I think this is 
> > nothing about thead (that's mean I don't think FreeBSD 7.0 
> > can solve my problem) because it's just for one select.
> > 
> > The server have two SAS 10 000 tr/m disks.
> > 
> > Anyone have some advise to tunning FreeBSD or MySQL for 
> > increase the perf ?
> > 
> > Regards
> > --
> > Albert SHIH
> > Observatoire de Paris Meudon
> > SIO batiment 15
> > Heure local/Local time:
> > Lun 26 nov 2007 12:46:06 CET
> 6 seconds seem to be an awful lot. What kind of query are you running on
> what kind of database / contents?
I don't really known it's some scientifical data. But the problem is on a
basic linux pc (with SATA disk) the time is 0.6 sec with same request and
same data. And it's for web applications. At 6 sec for one request it's
become very long for the visitor because the application make many

Albert SHIH
Observatoire de Paris Meudon
SIO batiment 15
Heure local/Local time:
Lun 26 nov 2007 13:00:32 CET
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