> > > I've a bi-proc single core Xeon 3.2ghz with FreeBSD 6.2, 
> I'm running 
> > > Mysql 5.X on this server and the performance of MySQL is 
> very bad. 
> > > For some complexe select I've got ~6secondes (on some basic Linux 
> > > it's take 0.6 sec).

> > 6 seconds seem to be an awful lot. What kind of query are 
> you running 
> > on what kind of database / contents?

> I don't really known it's some scientifical data. But the 
> problem is on a basic linux pc (with SATA disk) the time is 
> 0.6 sec with same request and same data. And it's for web 
> applications. At 6 sec for one request it's become very long 
> for the visitor because the application make many requests.
> Regards
> --
> Albert SHIH

Did you try pinpointing down the problem to make sure their is not another
bottleneck? Is the system running in production environment for the moment
or are you the sole user?

How did you install MySQL? I my experience (but I can be wrong) the default
settings give the best performance on 5.x MySQL FreeBSD 6.2. So no Linux
threads and stuff...


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