> On Wednesday 12 February 2003 10:43, Frank Tegtmeyer wrote:
> > > 3) Since I'm only aiming for a dns-cache I'm right in assuming I should
> > > keep my hands away from all the zone-stuff?
> > Much better: follow the instructions in
> > http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/install.html and
> > http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/run-cache.html
> > and then forget any dns- and dns related security problems.
> Tried it, but really got confused trying to install it. Ended up having a
> service dir created all over my system. Never got it to work.
> But looks like I got bind working (my firewall blocked quiries), but it
> doesn't look like a dnscache is solving my problem. *Still* takes forever for
> my box to resolve eg. doubleclick.net. This is *REALLY* getting on my nerves
> to sit and wait ½-5 minutes for a page to load because some unresolvable
> server is blocking.
> Anyone know how to solve this issue?
> And where *does* named/bind store it's cache-data?
> Bjarne

One option... cheat

Make your dns server authoritative
for doubleclick.net, and have no entries
(or optionally your own web server as an * entry)
in the zone file.

named stores it's cache in memory. You can get a dump
of the current cache.. don't remember the exact syntax
but it's in the man page.


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