On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 01:01:14PM +0100, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 February 2003 11:22, Daniel Bye wrote:
> > I have just tried to resolve doubleclick.net, and the first hit took
> > around three seconds.  Thereafter, with it cachedi locally, it came back
> > in at most 0.02 seconds.  I reckon your best bet is to persevere - does
> > the cache demonstrate any advantage at all?
> No advantage at all. What do you mean by "persevere"?

Keep on trying!  Sounds as though you are looking at problems somewhere
other than DNS.  At a shell prompt, try

 $ time host doubleclick.net

a few times, and see what sort of reponse times you get.  As a previous
poster has said, the problem may be more to do with downloading phat
content than with getting DNS resolution.

Are you having similar problems with other DNS records?  What do you have
in /etc/resolv.conf?

> > I put my upstream (ISP's) caches in the forwarders section in named.conf.
> > While not strictly necessary, as already pointed out, it can give you the
> > advantage of tapping into a huge set of cached data on your ISP's servers.
> > Suck it and see - I cannot believe that you are the only person connecting
> > through your ISP who gets pelted with these bloody ads from doubleclick.
> Have added them, without seeing any difference in performance. But it does 
> make my tcpdump more readable.

A happy side effect  ;-)

> > Check for messages in /var/log/messages, or whatever file your named
> > logs to.
> /var/log/messages reports nothing unusual. Haven't told named to log somewhere 
> else.
> Bjarne
> -- 
> Homepage: http://www.mekanix.dk

Daniel Bye

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