On Wednesday 23 April 2008 08:11:38 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> If I were you I'd just try to install Visio under Wine and see how
>> it goes. That is, mount the install cd, check with winecfg that
>> Wine can see the mount point as a drive D: or something and then
>> run "wine d:\\setup.exe" ...
> It did not work at all.  This version of Visio is old enough that
> it installs from floppies, rather than from CD :) and I've set it
> up in .wine/dosdevices according to the manpage:
>   $ ls -la .wine/dosdevices
>   total 4
>   drwxr-xr-x  2 perryh  staff  512 Apr 21 00:17 .
>   drwxr-xr-x  4 perryh  staff  512 Apr 22 21:07 ..
>   lrwxr-xr-x  1 perryh  staff    8 Apr 21 00:17 a:: -> /dev/fd0
>   lrwxr-xr-x  1 perryh  staff   10 Apr 19 16:39 c: -> ../drive_c
>   lrwxr-xr-x  1 perryh  staff    1 Apr 19 16:39 z: -> /

You have to mount the floppy and then link a: to the mount point.
So if you mount it under /mnt you'd need this:

mount -t msdosfs /dev/fd0 /mnt
ln -s /mnt ~/.wine/dosdevices/a:

> There doesn't seem to be a manpage for winecfg:
>   $ man winecfg
>   No manual entry for winecfg
> and when I tried to run it it was not at all obvious what to do.

Under the drives tab you can setup drive letters to point to (unix)
directories, like for instance the mount point of a cdrom or floppy
disk or your home directory.
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