On Monday 05 May 2008 02:10:34 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> ... very shortly after starting the actual install I got an error
>>> box:
>>>                              VISIO Setup
>>>    ! Tried to create an invalid path using 'A:\' and 'clipart.vs_'
>>> and it locked up the display so that CtrlAltF1 would not switch
>>> to a text screen (although it did allow AltTab to bring up FVWM's
>>> window list).  After clicking OK:
>>>                              Visio Setup
>>>                            i Setup failed.
>>> and it quit.
>> What version of Visio is this?
> 3.0.  Long before M$ took it over, so it should be just a generic
> Win32 app with no secret M$ tricks.

Visio 3.0 was still 16bit apparently. What you could try is to set
the Windows version in winecfg (bottom of applications tab) to
Windows 95 or even Windows 3.1.

>> Also, you should really take this to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> mailing list. The people there should know more about this than
>> here on a FreeBSD mailing list.
> I suppose I can try it, but I wonder how much interest there will
> be on a wine list in supporting FreeBSD.  At a minimum I suppose
> they'll want to know if it still breaks on the latest wine version,
> and I'll have no way to find out since the FreeBSD port doesn't
> support the latest wine version.

It's just that they know more about debugging such problems and
figuring out if it's Wine or a FreeBSD problem.

The latest version is in ports by the way, wine 0.9.61.

> In any case, it seems FreeBSD should not be allowing a port -- any
> port -- to lock out CtrlAltF1.

Patches welcome...
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