On Sun, Jul 20, 2008 at 01:20:31PM +0530, N. Raghavendra wrote:
> At 2008-07-19T17:23:48-07:00, Gary Kline wrote:
> > Is there an easyy way of splitting yp these tags into one-per-line?
> > I'm not obsessive [[?, :)]], but for what I've got in mind, the tags
> > and stuff would look better to my eyes?  ....the outcome of this
> > will go ino a special database, not html .
> >
> > is there some clever perl one-liner ...
> I suggest that instead of such ad hoc solutions, you checkout the port
> `www/tidy'.  It provides a reasonable pretty printer for HTML.
> However, it doesn't print every tag on a separate line.  I think its
> behaviour in this respect is close to the style guidelines in the
> FreeBSD Documentation Project Primer [, Separating tags].
> Raghavendra.

Thanks, but I've very recently become acquainted with tidy and have begun
using it on my main index.php--thought.org's "www" page.   This page
was an almost unreadable rat's net of by-hand coded html.   (as i move
toward another mark-up standard.)    using your script, or mine,  based on
Roland smith's, will be a great help.     

I knew there were ways of embedding \n's in scripts and signatures, &c,
but until your posting, i had forgoooten exactly how.   thank you for
the refresher!    

I'll check the FBSD Docs for `Separating Tags'; that level of obscurity is
beyond amazing, :-)

 Gary Kline  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
        http://jottings.thought.org   http://transfinite.thought.org

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