At 2008-07-20T02:55:25-07:00, Gary Kline wrote:

> Thanks, but I've very recently become acquainted with tidy and have
> begun using it on my main's "www" page.  This
> page was an almost unreadable rat's net of by-hand coded html.  (as
> i move toward another mark-up standard.)  using your script, or
> mine, based on Roland smith's, will be a great help.
> I knew there were ways of embedding \n's in scripts and signatures,
> &c, but until your posting, i had forgoooten exactly how.  thank you
> for the refresher!

You are welcome.

> I'll check the FBSD Docs for `Separating Tags'; that level of
> obscurity is beyond amazing, :-)

Just in case the "obscurity" refers to the location of the document,
here is its URL:


N. Raghavendra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   |
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