VeeJay wrote:
Hi there

I am going to make 2 Webserver at my work going to handle 50 mil hits per
month... They are using Linux already. But being a FreeBSD fan, I have
proposed FreeBSD to my Boss convincing him that FreeBSD is more Fast and
Secure solution for his needs... And now I want to show the results...
Dell PowerEdge 2950 III having 2 x CPU 3,0 GHz Intel Xeon L5450 Quad-Core
2x6MB cache WITH 16 GB RAM.

1. FreeBSD 7 Production Release
2. Apache 2.2.9
3. MySQL 5.1.26
4. PHP 5.2.6

My question is, "*To get the speed, performance and security*":

Should I use Ports or Packages to install all these tools One by One?

Should I use TAR files and compile them manually. For example giving command
line arguments and commands like

./configure --prefix=/www --enable-module=so
make install
cd ../php-xxx
./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs=/www/bin/apxs
make install


I have googled but still haven't reached to solution...personally I would
prefer comiling them with command line arguments
but then I seek some help from you guys i.e.

How should I write this ./configure......stuff in FreeBSD and what would be
the best options combination, I must choose to get the speed, performane and
security in Apache, MySQL and PHP?

Any suggestion is very welcomed!

Best to just use the ports. They take care of all of the dependencies for you and have extra patches to make them work optimally for FreeBSD.

Why ./configure by hand when the port's makefile will do it for you?

Chris St Denis
SmarttNet (
Ph: 604-473-9700 Ext. 200
"Smart Internet Solutions For Businesses"
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