On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 08:12:02AM -0400, FreeBSD Questions wrote:
>> Yet your point is completly valid one.. and that's why "The Design and
>> Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System" is the only book that I've
>> been hesitant on buying so far ... Lucas (Absolute FreeBSD, 2nd Edition),
>> Lavigne (The Best of FreeBSD Basics), Kong (BSD rootkits),  Lehey (Download
>> edition:) ) are all over my desktop as I write this mail, and I consult them
>> daily ... Farrokhi (Network Administration with FreeBSD) and Hong (Building a
>> Server with FreeBSD 7) are the ones coming in the next batch ...
>Has anyone on the list read "Building a Server with FreeBSD 7: A
>Modular Approach"?  The description on bookpool.com makes it sound a
>little basic/superficial, covering topics such as how to install
>FreeBSD and how to install/configure programs via the ports.  I'm
>already very familiar with these topics; does anyone know if this book
>covers more advanced topics or details like the nitty-gritty of
>configuing sendmail, apache, samba, NFS, etc?

I have read this book. It's not very useful to me since I run
FreeBSD 7 as a desktop. But I did find it interesting. The book
provides setup info for many server services.

>And what about "Absolute FreeBSD"?  It's updated for FreeBSD 7, so I
>know it's current.  Is it a "good book"?  Is it worth the read?  How
>valuable is its content?  (I know I'm asking some very subjective
>questions, but if I'm going to spend hundreds of $$$ to build my
>library in this area, I'd like at least a couple of opinions about the
>books I buy.)

Yes. Yes. Very valuable. I give it 5/5 stars. 

>> So far .. there are only three books I would have bought but I didn't because
>> I thought the situation could improve ... those are: "The Design and
>> Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System", "BSD Hacks" and "The FreeBSD
>> HandBook"... same reason for all of them .. too old by now (although I think
>> I'll buy "BSD Hacks" anyways .. I just can't resist buying Lavigne books :( )
>Personally, I don't think I'd ever buy "The FreeBSD Handbook".  It's a
>really good resource, but as long as it's actively updated
>electronically it's too dynamic to buy a hardcopy.  I'd much rather
>read it online where I can get the latest revisions.
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