FreeBSD Questions wrote:
This book was printed in August 2004.  This predates FBSD 5, and I
know there were some significant changes between the 4.x and 5.x
branches.  We've progressed further and are now into version 7.  How
well does this book apply to more current versions of FreeBSD, such as
version 7?

I stand ready for correction, but "Design & Implementation" is mostly
about, well, the design of the system itself ... not an operational
manual but a programmer's guide to OS internals.  And, not only that,
but it's about 4.4BSD (1993?), so the exact OS described is quite old*;
however, it's of great value not only as history but as 4.4BSD has
fed code into not only FreeBSD, but NetBSD, OpenBSD, and others.
(see /usr/share/misc/bsd-family-tree).  If that's not of interest
to you I'd not worry about this book --- no offence to Mr. McKusick
et al, of course.

Kevin Kinsey

*Notwithstanding the fact that most likely the reason the last
edition was printed in '04 was because they'd updated it to
reflect changes in the previous 10 years.  Perhaps another edition
around 2013-14?
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas.
I'm frightened of the old ones.
                -- John Cage
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