On Sunday 03 August 2008 03:18:23 Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 04:06:40PM +1000, Norberto Meijome wrote:
> > On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 22:35:40 +0200
> >
> > mcassar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > so most of you _do_ use or prefer csup/cvsup more than portsnap, right?
> >
> > Welcome! :)
> >
> > yes and no :P I like portsnap. faster.
> >
> > For my ports, i run this script ( ~/bin/update_ports.sh)
> >
> > #!/bin/sh
> > sudo portsnap fetch && sudo portsnap update
> >
> > [snip]
> Did you know you can specifiy fetch and update at the same time?
>       sudo portsnap fetch update
> ...and save calling portsnap twice :)
> frase

And do it via cron?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]% grep port /etc/crontab
# keep the port index updated and e-mail me a list of ports to update
0       3       *       *       *       root    portsnap -I cron update && 
pkg_version -vIL=

(Im pretty sure I took that from the "The Best of FreeBSD Basics" but I can't 
find the original article ... I know it's buried in here somewhere though: 
http://www.onlamp.com/pub/ct/15... so .. Credit goes to Dru Lavigne. :) )

That results on a daily e-mail from cron that looks like this:

" Cron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> portsnap -I cron update && pkg_version -vIL=
From: Cron Daemon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2008-08-01 03:07
ImageMagick-                 <   needs updating (index has
en-openoffice.org-US-2.4.0_3        <   needs updating (index has 2.4.1)
ffmpeg-2007.10.04_4                 <   needs updating (index has 
ghostscript-gpl-8.61_4              <   needs updating (index has 8.62_3)
gnupg-2.0.9_1                       <   needs updating (index has 2.0.9_2)
gnutls-2.4.1                        <   needs updating (index has 2.4.1_1)
kaffeine-0.8.6_1                    <   needs updating (index has 0.8.7)
kdegraphics-3.5.8_2                 <   needs updating (index has 3.5.8_3)
libgphoto2-2.4.2                    <   needs updating (index has 2.4.2_1)
libxine-1.1.12_1                    <   needs updating (index has 1.1.14)
linux-doom3-1.1.1286,0              <   needs updating (index has,1)
pciids-20080312                     <   needs updating (index has 20080726)
portmaster-2.5                      <   needs updating (index has 2.6)
samba-libsmbclient-3.0.30           <   needs updating (index has 3.0.31_1)
speex-1.2.b2,1                      <   needs updating (index has 1.2.r1_1,1)"

Then I get to decide whether or not to update a port, every port or do nothing 
and when to do it :D

BTW: I use csup for the base system and portsnap and and friends for the ports 
collection :)

Welcome and: have fun !
Gonzalo Nemmi
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