1.  The process hangs in "disk wait" (flag "D" in ps' STAT
   column).  This often means there's a hardware problem
   with your disk or controller (or a driver bug), or a
   network problem if you use NFS.

not this for sure. no NFS, no filesystem is blocked.

2.  The process was suspended (SIGSTOP).  In this case
   there is the flag "T" in ps' STAT column.  Try sending
   a SIGCONT to the process.

tried (kill -19) then kill -9, doesn't help.

   Such a "dead" entry in the process table is called a
   zombie process.  In ps' STAT column there is the "Z"

no Z flag.

  887  ??  Ts     0:02,20 asterisk -C /centrala/etc/asterisk.conf

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