Here's what I said to the last guy who says my skin is thin, just leave well enough alone and drop it please. Seems your skin is thin as well if you can't handle a little back talk :)

Well, I can always except critism. The problem is that I don't need rude responses for something I thought would be something to share for your organization, a success story of FreeBSD. Only for people to call me lazy and say "Big Deal". If it's not a big deal, than say nothing. Maybe you should put someone in charge of answering emails who aren't cocky and smug, some responses were nice and at least supportive.

I still believe in FreeBSD and it's a great OS. It's the nix I started and learned with but I think your community is full of conceited, pompous asses, the reason I don't like to associate with IT people. I'd rather not give money to someone who has to insult me. If you go to a restaurant and you get a rude waiter, what do you do? I don't go back or give them a crap tip.

I get better tack out of forums where I'm asking for help on coding challenges than just simply offering a testimonial.

On Oct 9, 2008, at 7:35 AM, David Kelly wrote:

On Thu, Oct 09, 2008 at 07:07:31AM -0700, Chad Marshall wrote:

Sorry to bother you...You know, you could just leave well enough
alone if you don't care. There goes any future donations from me and
my organization as this is more than the first untactful email I
recieved from this, I'll donate and use other platforms. Please don't
send any other emails

If your skin is that thin, then good riddance. But just what sort of
control over this email list do you expect of the "organization"? I
seriously doubt you contribute enough to pay for a full time list

FreeBSD-Questions is not the right place to say, "2 years!",
FreeBSD-Chat is the right place, and that's exactly what I did several
days before this one appeared on Questions.

Meanwhile, you should know where the "off" switch is to unsubscribe as
somehow you managed to subscribe.

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Whom computers would destroy, they must first drive mad.

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