
2008/10/9 Chad Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Well, I can always except critism. The problem is that I don't need rude
> responses for something I thought would be something to share for your
> organization, a success story of FreeBSD. Only for people to call me lazy
> and say "Big Deal". If it's not a big deal, than say nothing.  Maybe you
> should put someone in charge of answering emails who aren't cocky and smug,
> some responses were nice and at least supportive.

Chad - I think that you need to understand one thing. This is a public
list and majority of people who post/respond here aren't FreeBSD
Foundation workers but users of this great OS. At least I see the need
to separate the two. So if people are playing kind of rude, just
ignore them. I was glad to hear that FreeBSD proved useful to you, as
it is proving useful to me and an NGO I work for. I could give you
hips of examples when thanks to this list I have learnt something
useful or was given useful advice. And two years ago I knew nothing
about Unix or Linux. Thanks to this list I can manage FreeBSD (almost)
on my own. :)

But the discussion that followed made me realize that uptime is not
everything. I also love to see huge uptimes on my servers but if
anything this discussion brought it home to me that more than anything
I need to take care of security updates which I do.

All the best,

Zbigniew Szalbot
freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
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