On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 06:00:38PM -0700, Chad Marshall wrote:
> No Problem, I figured that there are other systems out there with a  
> longer uptime. I have this server as a postfix/courier-imap/ 
> squirrelmail  (60+ accounts and 30-40 forwards) mailserver with apache/ 
> php/mysql.  Also use it as a slave authoritative nameserver for over  
> 100 zones (one zone with a 60sec TTL on a high volume production  
> website) as well. Plus use it as a primary nameserver for our entire  
> office (300+ workstations). I was lazy with it (Upgrading or  
> Replacing) and when it hit a year, I decided to hold off doing  
> anything with it as I wanted to see how long I could let it go.  It's  
> a celeron 2.4ghz server with 512m Ram and has been a champ server in  
> it's performance and stability. I use CentOS for most of my other  
> systems and find that as easy as it is for administration and  
> upgrading, it lacks FreeBSD's performance. With the memory leaks that  
> CentOS has, I usually have to end up restarting the machine(s).  With  
> FreeBSD I can just restart the services, and got my memory back and  
> reduce the amount of swap being used.

I'm glad to hear that your machine is "busy" and doing useful work,
the uptime I pointed to was non-Internet facing IIRC.

I'm also interested to hear that CentOS "...lacks FreeBSD
performance." Statistics never tell the whole story - real world usage
does. Your observations will help to encourage our developers to
further greater efforts! ;)

When I went from RH to FreeBSD-4.3, the difference in performance as a
desktop user was noticeable but that was a few years ago.

> Regardless of the first email I got back (Which was a little rude), I  
> will continue to run this server as long as I can and monitor the  
> security risks using DenyHosts and other security measures.
> Thanks,

Don't necessarily take posts on this list as rude or offensive. From
my experience of reading this list, there is quite a lot of
misunderstanding due to cultural/language problems or people thinking
something was a slight even if none was intended by the original poster.
Or somebody might be just having a bad day (it happens to all of us).

This list is open to everyone & only represents the FreeBSD project in
that the majority who post here use FreeBSD (from newbies to kernel

Do keep on using FreeBSD & promoting it's use - no point in cutting
off your nose to spite your face!




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