hi all... this is a bit OT but since bsd and os x have enough in common in the core some people here might have dealt with an os x server before..

ok. here is the problem. i have this os x server put on my lap to administer and there are some really weired things happening.

the machine has 2 inet interfaces - 2 cards. one of them - en0 (network A) - is wired to 192.168.x.x and the other - en1 (network B) - has an external ip which is not on the same subnet (network) the 192.168.x.x belongs to. so far so good.

theoretically the en1 (network B) card should be accessible through the external ip no matter where you a coming from....

what happens is that if somebody on network A (of en0) tries to access the machine via 192.168.x.x - it works. but if that somebody wants access that machine via the external ip on network B (en1), like they would access any other external IP - they can not. this is weired because they can access any other machine on B . now me being on the network B i can access the machine via the external IP which is also on B, but, and this is the weirdest, i can not access it from outside either A or B with that same IP (?!?). but i can access any other machine on B from outside either subnet.... somehow there is a restriction on the access to be limited to the respective subnets.

ipfw rules are not really the problem. i checked.

can somebody please explain. if you need more information please ask....


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