On 2003-02-20 14:55, dark dragonz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a problem.  I run /stand/sysinstall, then I go to configure
> the ttys file it invoke an editor and when I have modified and I
> want to save it it say that its a read only file when im logged as
> root what can i do for bypassing this thank

Are you trying to run /stand/sysinstall in single-user mode?  The
permissions of an installed /etc/ttyss file should allow modification
by root:

:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:36]/home/giorgos$ ls -l /etc/ttys
:   -rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  - 7609 Jan 27 08:20 /etc/ttys
:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:36]/home/giorgos$

- Giorgos

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