I have - in the same subnet - a WinXP PC and a multi-boot PC with
a) OpenSuse10.3, b) FreeBSD-7.0 (and c) WinXP)

I installed the free X-Windows server Xming on the WinXP PC,
and I can connect to the other PC when it is booted in OpenSUSE 10.3:
Xming is configured for 'open session via XDMCP', I specify fully qualified hostname and I get the openSUSE username/password login
screen, etc...

(I didn't need to change anything in the OpenSuSE)

But when that PC is booted into FreeBSD - XMing only gives me a screen with a grey background and a black X - connection seems not established.

The FreeBSD runs KDM as window manager and KDE as desktop.

Why and how to remedy?
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