El día Tuesday, March 03, 2009 a las 09:25:03AM +0100, FBSD UG escribió:

> On 2 mrt 2009, at 20:22, Bernt Hansson wrote:
> >FBSD UG skrev:
> >>
> >>You're not buying the software, you buy a license to use it on one
> >>Apple computer.
> >
> >Mostly semantics,  if I name my computer "APPLE" Then it's "legal" to
> >install. Crap, if I buy it I can install it on ANY computer. Does not
> >have to be a computer named "APPLE" it could be "IBM", "HP" or any  
> >other
> >brand or non brand.
> >
> >
> did you sign all Swedish laws then?
> How is Apple going to prevent illegal copying?

Could you please chat this off-topic issues off-list? Thx

Matthias Apitz
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