On Tuesday 21 April 2009 19:31:33 RW wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 16:43:32 +0200
> Mel Flynn <mel.flynn+fbsd.questi...@mailing.thruhere.net> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 21 April 2009 16:20:52 RW wrote:
> > > The bottom line though, is that ntpdate_enable=yes solves the
> > > problem entirely, since the real problem is not the step, but the
> > > fact that it happens in the background, and after a delay.
> >
> > Care to expand on that? Dovecot won't stop if root issues a date
> > command that sets time to the past, for example?
> I was assuming that since you're running ntpd you wouldn't be doing
> that.

Right, then this works because ntpdate is started before dovecot in rcorder, 
like Tim Judd said else in thread.

> > > ntpdate may be deprecated, but it's been deprecated for years, and I
> > > doubt it will go away until ntpd fully replaces it's functionality.
> > > ntpd -gq can replace ntpdate in a crontab, but ntpd -gqn doesn't
> > > really replace ntpdate -b in the boot-sequence.
> >
> > I'm actually counting on it to be gone in 8.0.
> Is that official?

Nope, but 3 major releases of mourning should be enough ya think? 
Maybe not, given the problems above.

Now I'm also wondering how ntpd handles securelevel 2.
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