On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:14, Paul Schmehl <pschmehl_li...@tx.rr.com> wrote:

> --On Wednesday, May 06, 2009 22:55:23 -0500 Michel Talon <
> ta...@lpthe.jussieu.fr> wrote:
>> Paul Schmehl wrote:
>>  I'm wondering if I can use autofs on FreeBSD.  Last time I asked the
>>> question someone said I need amd, which I found rather cryptic.
>> Indeed it is cryptic, let me gave an example which works:
>> niobe% cat /etc/amd.conf
>> [global]
>> auto_dir        = /.amd
>> log_file        = /var/log/amd.log
>> log_options     = error,fatal,user
>> map_type        = file
>> search_path     = /etc
>> [/Cd]
>> map_name        = amd.cdrom
>> # For nfs mounts
>> [/Net]
>> map_name        = amd.net
>> niobe% cat /etc/amd.cdrom
>> cdrom   type:=cdfs;opts:=ro,nosuid;dev:=/dev/acd0;fs:=${autodir}/cdrom
>> niobe% cat /etc/amd.net
>> /defaults       type:=host;fs:=${autodir}/${rhost};rhost:=${key}
>> *               opts:=rw,grpid,resvport,nosuid,nodev,soft
>> Now some comments. I use amd without options so it just uses
>> /etc/amd.conf to configure itself. When you try to access /Cd
>> it uses the configuration in /etc/amd.cdrom, and if you try to access
>> /Net it uses the configuration in /etc/amd.net.
>> Finally if you try to access /Net/ada for example, the key is ada, and
>> so is the remote host. It is queried for NFS mounts and everything is
>> mounted. After
>> niobe% cd /Net/ada
>> i have:
>> niobe% df
>> ...
>> ada:/ada                36196652  26972064  7356232    79% /.amd/ada/ada
>> ada:/ada1              287391356 246682696 26109996    90% /.amd/ada/ada1
>> ada:/ada2              288362876 180649856 93064956    66% /.amd/ada/ada2
>> ada:/ada3               99188500  80794628 13273960    86% /.amd/ada/ada3
>> ada:/adm                36204684   1682772 32653156     5% /.amd/ada/adm
>> Note that  autodir is /.amd and fs is ${autodir}/${rhost} as you can
>> see.
>> Getting out of /Net/ada those mounts are unmounted.
>> I hope this helps explaining some of the mysteries of amd.
> Indeed it does, and I thank you very much for that example.
While cryptic, It has worked well for me with multiple FreeBSD and Linux
hosts on my network.

> --
> Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
> As if it wasn't already obvious, my opinions
> are my own and not those of my employer.
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