On May 8, 2009, at 10:57 AM, Paul Schmehl wrote:

--On Thursday, May 07, 2009 22:16:01 -0500 Jason Garrett <kinged...@gmail.com > wrote:

While cryptic, It has worked well for me with multiple FreeBSD and Linux
hosts on my network.

Hopefully it will work well for me too. However, I am struggling with the documentation, trying to figure out how to translate the developer-speak into normal human language.

Here's what one of our guys is using on linux (I changed the hostname to foobar):

cat /etc/auto.master
/home ldap //foobar.utdallas.edu/ nismapname=auto_home,dc=utdallas,dc=edu nfsvers=3 proto=tcp /proj ldap //foobar.utdallas.edu/ nismapname=auto_proj,dc=utdallas,dc=edu nfsvers=3 proto=tcp
/net    -hosts

I haven't played with Linux's autofs and when I did my look at it was shallow. From what you have here it looks like foobar.utdallas.edu is a NFS v3 server that offers a pair of directory hierarchies. He's mounting one of them on locally as /home and another as /proj. If you want to do that in FreeBSD this should get you going.

*** /etc/amd/amd.conf ***

[ global ]
        browsable_dirs =                        no
        map_type =                                      file
        mount_type =                            nfs
        search_path =                           /etc

        auto_dir =                                      /.amd
        cache_duration =                        30
        log_file =                                      syslog:daemon
        log_options =                           fatal,error
        print_pid =                                     yes
pid_file = /var/run/ amd.pid
        restart_mounts =                        yes
        selectors_in_defaults =         no

[ /home ]
map_name = /etc/amd/ home.map

[ /proj ]
map_name = /etc/amd/ proj.map

*** /etc/amd/home.map ***

/defaults       type:=nfs;opts:=tcp,intr,nodev,nosuid,umount,vers=3;\

*                       fs:=${autodir}/home/${key}

*** /etc/amd/proj.map ***

/defaults       type:=nfs;opts:=tcp,intr,nodev,nosuid,umount,vers=3;\

*                       fs:=${autodir}/proj/${key}


In the map files you'll need to make sure that the rfs entry matches the directory tree that foobar.utdallas.edu is exporting. e.g. if you would manually mount the directory under FreeBSD like this:

# mount_nfs -o tcp,intr,nodev,nosuid foobar.utdallas.edu:/home/ pschmehl /home/pschmehl

or the fstab entry that you would use looks like this:

# foobar.utdallas.edu:/home/pschmehl /home/pschmehl nfs noauto,tcp,intr 0 0

Then the rfs entry should look like this:


This setup assumes that you've exported the directory try with FreeBSD's equivalent of the -alldirs option. This option allows you to mount any point under the exported tree rather than forcing you to mount the entire filesystem. A typical setup on FreeBSD would be to export /home with --alldirs then an NFS client can mount /home/ cshilton or /home/jbauer or whatever.

Hope this helps

-- Chris

Sorry if I've got some minor bobbles in the syntax on the mount or fstab lines.

So how do I tranlsate that into FreeBSD amd conf and map files? It's got me stumped.

Paul Schmehl, Senior Infosec Analyst
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