IAccounts wrote:
Update your source with cvsup
read /usr/src/UPDATING and follow any instructions required (I believe
 you'll need to manually create the relatively new sendmail users)
Reveiw you kernel config file to see if any options have changed since
make buildkernel
make installkernel
reboot  >>> if the reboot doesn't go well, boot kernel.old and copy it to
            /kernel to get back to 4.3
make buildworld
make installworld

Ok, I have cvsup'ped successfully, upon buildkernel I get:

"Error: version of config does not match kernel!
config version = 400018, version required = 400019

Make sure that /usr/src/usr.sbin/config is in sync with your /usr/src/sys
and install a new config binary before trying this again."

Doing a:

# cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/config
# make

Fails with "make: dont' know hwo to make config.1. Stop" At this point it
looks like everything has compiled, and is in the linking object files

I understand that I am doing oposite of what the handbook says by
installing a new kernel first, but is there a way to get around the out of
date config problem so I can proceed in this 'backwards' approach?

I may be wrong, but ... Do this order: make buildworld make buildkernel make installkernel reboot make installworld

This should get you an updated config program, while still giving you the
safety of backing out if the new kernel doesn't boot.

If I'm wrong on this point, please correct me.  But I don't see it being
harmful to try. (as nothing actually gets installed until the 'make install*'

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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