Jason Garrett wrote:

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 13:30, Drew Tomlinson <d...@mykitchentable.net <mailto:d...@mykitchentable.net>> wrote:

    Jason Garrett wrote:


        I see you tried the zpool import and export, but did you
        perform `mkdir /boot/zfs` directly before `zpool export tank
        && zpool import tank` ?

        I just have to ask because I did not see that specified, and
        you mention not being able to find zpool.cache. /boot/zfs is
        where zpool.cache hides out.

    Yes I did.  However I figured out my problem.  I was chrooted into
    /dist and the zpool.cache was being written to /boot/zfs (as you
    mention).  But because of the chroot, when I checked /boot/zfs, I
    was *really* checking /dist/boot/zfs.  Thus my problem.  :)

    However I'm still having difficulty.  I suspect I don't have a
    /boot/loader that supports zfs filesystems as I just boot to the
    'OK" prompt.  An 'lsdev' only shows BIOS devices but I've seen
    posts on the Net that indicate I should have zfs devices listed
    there too if I have a proper /boot/loader.  I've used the one from
    both 7.2-RELEASE.iso and 8.0-BETA1.iso but no luck.  Do you know
    of any way I can confirm or deny my suspicion?

I am in the same spot you are now. I started the process yesterday but had to quit because it got too late. Apparently the few who have written these guides have gotten it to work, but that still eludes me. I'll post back if I get it working or have any new developments.

Well you're doing better than me. I've been at this for about 10 days off and on. :)



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