
I am running FreeBSD 8.0-BETA3 amd64 and am having trouble syncing my
Palm TX with jpilot.  This used to work with 7.2-STABLE amd64 and I
suspect I'm just not using the usb: connection correctly but have not
been able to find a solution by searching the archives.  

I am running a custom kernel with "device uvisor" commented out, though
the same problem occurs if I recompile with uvisor included. 

When I plug in the Palm TX I get the following at the end of dmesg

        ugen0.4: <Palm, Inc.> at usbus0
        ugen0.4: <Palm, Inc.> at usbus0 (disconnected)

If I tell jpilot to sync with a Palm at usb: I get the following error

        dlp_OpenConduit() failed
        Sync canceled
        Exiting with status SYNC_ERROR_OPEN_CONDUIT

I also have the following in my /etc/devfs.rules:

        add path 'ugen*' unhide mode 0660 group operator

and I am a member of the operator group.

What should I set to get hotsync working?

Thanks all in anticipation,
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