On Thu, 27 Aug 2009 09:36:22 +0200
Marc Fonvieille <black...@freebsd.org> wrote:

> First you need to have uvisor(4) loaded (compiled in the kernel or via
> the loaded module).  Last uvisor(4) revision was not merged in BETA3
> so you will have to wait for the merge or directly grab it from
> http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/sys/dev/usb/serial/uvisor.c?rev=1.12;content-type=text%2Fplain;only_with_tag=HEAD
> replace you src/sys/dev/usb/serial/uvisor.c with that one and rebuild
> your module/kernel
> Then if you plug your device and launch Hotsync on the Palm
> a /dev/cuaU0 device should appear.  You should check that.
> If you have jpilot installed, palm/pilot-link tools are installed (be
> sure it was compiled with USB support), so once the /dev/cuaU0 device
> node is created you can type:
> # pilot-xfer -p /dev/cuaU0 -l
> this should list the installed files on your device,
> # pilot-xfer -p /dev/cuaU0 -b your_backup_dir
> to backup your palm on your PC.
> If these commands worked, then jpilot should work as well.

Marc, many thanks, that was a great help.  I uncommented uvisor in the
kernel config file, installed the newer uvisor.c, rebuilt and installed
the new kernel. Pressing the hotsync button did indeed create
a /dev/cuaU0 but I had to add myself to the 'dialer' group to use it.
Palm syncing now works again with jpilot!

BTW, when might that newer uvisor.c be merged into the RELENG_8 sources?

Thanks also to Roland.  I already had add path 'usb/*' in
my /etc/devfs.rules.  

Best wishes,

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