tar seems to be misbehaving when used with the -T switch. If I run the following:

        find somebigdir > /tmp/file-list
        tar -cjf /tmp/tarball.tar.bz2 -T /tmp/file-list

I get no errors. However, when I go to unpack it:

        tar -xyf /tmp/tarball.tar.bz2

I get several errors about files not found in the archive. It's always the same files. I've checked to ensure there's nothing special about them.

If I try to create the same tarball without using a file-list:

        tar -cjf /tmp/tarball.tar.bz2 somebigdir

I get no errors during unpacking. Running find on this unpacked set confirms the file-list matches exactly that which I'm trying to use with the -T switch. Unless I'm overlooking something obvious, I can only conclude that tar's handling of -T is funky. Any suggestions?

I'm using a fresh installation of 7.2-RELEASE on amd64 installed from an ISO.

Milo Hyson
Chief Scientist
CyberLife Labs, Inc.

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