On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Gary Gatten <ggat...@waddell.com> wrote:
> You certainly don't "need" BGP for this, the DNS thing will work, but will be 
> a bit kludgy and certainly not as ... "responsive" to failures - a la query 
> caching, TTL's and what not.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: owner-freebsd-questi...@freebsd.org 
> <owner-freebsd-questi...@freebsd.org>
> To: Ray Still <rstil...@gmail.com>
> Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org <freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>
> Sent: Mon Oct 26 12:50:56 2009
> Subject: Re: bind configuration issues
> On Oct 26, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Ray Still wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am adding a redundant Internet connection to my current hosting
> > setup and
> > I need to figure out how to set up the DNS to make this work.
> The two issues normally aren't related.
> If both connections are from the same provider, talk to them about
> multilink PPP; if they are from different providers, you need to look
> into multihoming and getting your own AS #.

two different providers.

> > Current setup:
> > freebsd 7.0 machine, one local IP address, runs web, mail, and name
> > server.
> > static ip address in router.
> > I have two DNS servers registered, but they both point to the same ip
> > address an the same machine. (Yes, I should have my fingers slapped.)
> >
> > Desired setup
> > same machine, one local IP address, runs web, mail, and name server.
> > different router (Linksys RV082) with 2 static ip address.
> In order to have redundancy, you need to have two real, separate
> machines, each of which is running BIND, each of which is on a
> separate routable IP.  This is an orthogonal issue to setting up
> multiple Internet connections.

Yes, In an ideal world I would do this. The two machines would also be
in separate buildings/cities/provinces/countries/planets
(pick your level of paranoia)  ;)
However, reducing single points of failure is an improvement, even if
I can't eliminate them.

> > How do I set up bind so that
> > 1) bandwidth is shared between the two connections,
> > and
> > 2) if one goes down, the other keeps working.
> > I had a few ideas, but they all seem to have flaws.
> You can't set up BIND to control multilink aggregation and failover;
> that's not what it does.
> Regards,
> -- freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> -Chuck

Thanks for the replies.
Chuck, thanks for the keywords to search. Some of what I'm finding
looks like a solution for companies a lot bigger than me, but I'll
keep looking.

Gary, can you give me any clues about how to do it with just DNS? Yes,
I do realize that this leaves single points of failure, but at least
they would be points that I could do something about if necessary.

Thanks again,
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