Yes, your missing something.  I don't think your solution will work very well.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Mon Oct 26 18:13:47 2009
Subject: Re: bind configuration issues

tell me just how nuts this idea is.
To recap, two pipes, one destination.
I set up second DNS server. at 70.65..... (provider 1) at 206.75....(provider 2)
A records for on ns1 will give  70.65.....
on ns2 206.75....
if provider one goes down, ns1 is gone, ns2 is still available, and so
is the route to the sites.

It's not the best solution, but it's better than what I have.
Am I missing something that's going to come back and bite me in the butt?

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:14 PM, Gary Gatten <> wrote:
> I googled "dns round robin failover" and there are many hits.  One 
> interesting one is:
> It suggests well written apps / resolvers will try to use all ip's returned 
> by the query starting with the preferred one, not JUST the preferred one.  
> Which means, just by enabling round robin with multiple A records, you MAY 
> get some level of HA/Failover by default.  Cool, BUT, I wouldn't bet my life 
> on it.  I'd still have something that could tweak your DNS records based on 
> packet loss, latency, etc.  What if your circuit is "up", but is degraded by 
> loss, latency (load induced or otherwise), etc.
> As you mentioned, something is better than nothing - so start simple and go 
> from there!
> HTH!
> G
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Gary Gatten
> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 2:07 PM
> To: Ray Still;
> Subject: RE: bind configuration issues
> I'm not intimate with bind, or anything/one actually - but that's another 
> story...
> Anyway, the gist is you need to "ping" some public hosts from your dns server 
> (or another system I guess, but easier if on the dns server).  One 
> destination host would be reachable through one connection, and the other of 
> course would only be reachable through the alternate connection.  Maybe use 
> the primary DNS servers each upstream ISP provides to you?  Anyway, if both 
> pings are OK, then your DNS server does round-robin for the host(s) in 
> question.  If one ping fails, then you stop handing out that IP.  You can for 
> the route taken within ping itself, or use static host(/32) routes, etc.
> Sounds simple huh?  It kinda is, and LONG ago I had a shell script to do just 
> this, but it's gone - and maybe bind 9+ has some sort of this functionality 
> available to you embedded in the bind code?  Don't know.  Even if you have to 
> write your own script to update your dns records based on your monitoring 
> process it's not that hard even for a scripting novice such as myself!
> G
> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Ray Still
> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 1:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: bind configuration issues
> On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 11:55 AM, Gary Gatten <> wrote:
>> You certainly don't "need" BGP for this, the DNS thing will work, but will 
>> be a bit kludgy and certainly not as ... "responsive" to failures - a la 
>> query caching, TTL's and what not.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: 
>> <>
>> To: Ray Still <>
>> Cc: <>
>> Sent: Mon Oct 26 12:50:56 2009
>> Subject: Re: bind configuration issues
>> On Oct 26, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Ray Still wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> > I am adding a redundant Internet connection to my current hosting
>> > setup and
>> > I need to figure out how to set up the DNS to make this work.
>> The two issues normally aren't related.
>> If both connections are from the same provider, talk to them about
>> multilink PPP; if they are from different providers, you need to look
>> into multihoming and getting your own AS #.
> two different providers.
>> > Current setup:
>> > freebsd 7.0 machine, one local IP address, runs web, mail, and name
>> > server.
>> > static ip address in router.
>> > I have two DNS servers registered, but they both point to the same ip
>> > address an the same machine. (Yes, I should have my fingers slapped.)
>> >
>> > Desired setup
>> > same machine, one local IP address, runs web, mail, and name server.
>> > different router (Linksys RV082) with 2 static ip address.
>> In order to have redundancy, you need to have two real, separate
>> machines, each of which is running BIND, each of which is on a
>> separate routable IP.  This is an orthogonal issue to setting up
>> multiple Internet connections.
> Yes, In an ideal world I would do this. The two machines would also be
> in separate buildings/cities/provinces/countries/planets
> (pick your level of paranoia)  ;)
> However, reducing single points of failure is an improvement, even if
> I can't eliminate them.
>> > How do I set up bind so that
>> > 1) bandwidth is shared between the two connections,
>> > and
>> > 2) if one goes down, the other keeps working.
>> > I had a few ideas, but they all seem to have flaws.
>> You can't set up BIND to control multilink aggregation and failover;
>> that's not what it does.
>> Regards,
>> --
>> -Chuck
> Thanks for the replies.
> Chuck, thanks for the keywords to search. Some of what I'm finding
> looks like a solution for companies a lot bigger than me, but I'll
> keep looking.
> Gary, can you give me any clues about how to do it with just DNS? Yes,
> I do realize that this leaves single points of failure, but at least
> they would be points that I could do something about if necessary.
> Thanks again,
> Ray
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