On Saturday, 15 March 2003 at 16:23:03 +1030, Malcolm Kay wrote:
> I am planning to put up a FreeBSD system, probably 4.8-RELEASE
> when it appears, to manage backups from a number of Unix and unix-like
> systems on a LAN.
> Backups will be written nightly over the LAN to a local disk system and
> transfered regularly to tape via a scsi tape-drive.
> I am under pressure to make this system fairly reliable with respect
> to hardware failure - particularly disk drives. The thought is to use a couple
> of fairly large drives, say 120 or 160Gb running as a mirrored pair using
> vinum. Having no experience with vinum or software RAID systems a number
> of questions come to mind:
> 1) All the examples appear to use scsi drives; but I assume EIDE are also
> usable? IDE seems to be pretty good these days and much cheaper than
> scsi.

Yes, correct.  Note that you shouldn't have more than one disk per
controller unless both use tagged queueing.

> 2)To what extent can the system be fully mirrored? Without RAID hardware it
> seems to me that a conventional disk partition outside the mirrored volume is
> probably necessary for mounting / ; is this true?

Not completely.  Check the latest man pages.  4.8 will be able to
handle root file systems on Vinum, though the manner in which it's
done is not the same as it is for release 5 and later.

> 3)If the regular partition is necessary can this be taken as a modest slice
> from one of the disks whose major part is devoted to the mirror volume,
> and perhaps the corresponding slice on the other used for swap?

Yes, this would be a possibility, but it's not necessary.

> 4)If the converse is true that the entire system can reside inside the
> mirrored volume then do I need a temporary additional disk to build the
> system? In any case it seems that an outside region or separate physical
> disk would be better for swap.

No, there's a trick there.  I'm attaching the relevant text from
upcoming fourth edition of "The Complete FreeBSD".  This relates to
release 5, but the only difference is what you put in /etc/rc.conf and
/boot/loader.conf, and that's in the man page.  Let me know if
anything's confusing.

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Installing FreeBSD on Vinum


Installing FreeBSD on Vinum is complicated by the fact that sysinstall and  the
loader  don't  support  Vinum,  so  it is not possible to install directly on a
Vinum volume.  Instead, you need to install  a  conventional  system  and  then
convert it to Vinum.  That's not as difficult as it might sound.

A typical disk installation lays out disk partitions in the following manner:

da0s3a: / file system

  da0s3b: swap

da0s3e: /usr file da0s3c: entire disk

da0s3f: /var file system

Figure 12-9: Typical partition layout without Vinum

This  layout  shows three file system partitions and a swap partition, which is
not the layout recommended on page 68.  We'll look  at  the  reasons  for  this

Each partition corresponds logically to a Vinum subdisk.  You could enclose all
these subdisks in a Vinum drive.  The only problem is  that  Vinum  stores  its
configuration  information  at the beginning of the drive, and that's where the
root file system is.  One way  to  solve  this  problem  is  to  put  the  swap
partition  first  and  make it 265 sectors longer than needed.  You can do this
from sysinstall  simply  by  creating  the  swap  partition  before  any  other
partition.   Consider installing FreeBSD on a 4 GB drive.  Create, in sequence,
a swap partition of 256 MB, a root file system of 256 MB, a /usr file system of
2 GB, and a /var file system to take up the rest.  It's important to create the
swap partition at the beginning of the disk, so you create that  first.   After
installation, the output of disklabel looks like this:

8 partitions:
#        size   offset    fstype   [fsize bsize bps/cpg]
  a:   524288   532480    4.2BSD     2048 16384    94   # (Cyl.  871*- 1729*)
  b:   532215      265      swap                        # (Cyl.    0*- 871*)
  c:  8386733        0    unused        0     0         # (Cyl.    0 - 13726*)
  e:  4194304  1056768    4.2BSD     2048 16384    89   # (Cyl. 1729*- 8594*)
  f:  3135661  5251072    4.2BSD     2048 16384    89   # (Cyl. 8594*- 13726*)

To  convert to Vinum, use disklabel with the -e (edit label) option to create a
volume of type vinum that maps the c partition:

  h:  8386733        0     vinum                        # (Cyl.    0 - 13726*)

After this, you have the following situation:

  da0s3b: swap
da0s3a: / file system

da0s3e: /usr file da0s3c: entire dda0s3h: vinum drive

da0s3f: /var file system

Figure 12-10: Partition layout with Vinum

The shaded area at the top of the Vinum partition represents the  configuration
information,  which cuts into the swap partition.  To fix that, we redefine the
swap partition to start after the Vinum configuration information and to be 265
sectors shorter.  The file systems are relatively trivial to recreate: take the
size and offset values from the disklabel output above and use them in a  Vinum
configuration file:

drive rootdev device /dev/da0s2h
volume swap
  plex org concat
#    b:    532215              265      swap
    sd len 532215s driveoffset 265s drive rootdev
volume root
  plex org concat
#    a:    524288              532480    4.2BSD     2048 16384    94
    sd len 524288s driveoffset 532480s drive rootdev
volume usr
  plex org concat
#    e:    4194304              1056768    4.2BSD     2048 16384    89
    sd len 4194304s driveoffset 1056768s drive rootdev
volume var
  plex org concat
#    f:    3135661               5251072    4.2BSD     2048 16384    89
    sd len 3135661s driveoffset  5251072s drive rootdev

The  comments are the corresponding lines from the disklabel output.  They show
the corresponding values for size and offset.  Run vinum  create  against  this
file, and confirm that you have the volumes /, /usr and /var.

Next,  ensure  that  you  are  set  up to start Vinum with the new method.  You
should have the following lines in /boot/loader.conf:


Then reboot to single user mode, start Vinum and run fsck against the  volumes,
using  the  -n  option  to  tell  fsck not to correct any errors it finds.  You
should see something like this:

# fsck -n -t ufs /dev/vinum/usr
** /dev/vinum/usr (NO WRITE)
** Last Mounted on /usr
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
** Phase 5 - Check Cyl groups
35323 files, 314115 used, 718036 free (4132 frags, 89238 blocks, 0.4% fragmentation)

If there are any errors, they will probably be because you  have  miscalculated
size or offset.  You'll see something like this:

# fsck -n -t ufs /dev/vinum/usr
** /dev/vinum/usr (NO WRITE)
Cannot find file system superblock

You  need to do this in single user mode because the volumes are shadowing file
systems, and it's normal for open file systems to fail fsck, since some of  the
state is in buffer cache.

If all is well, remount the root file system read-write:

# mount -u /

Then edit /etc/fstab to point to the new devices.  For this example, /etc/fstab
might initially contain:

# $Id: fstab,v 1.3 2002/11/14 06:48:16 grog Exp $
# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
/dev/da0s4a             /               ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/da0s4b             none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/da0s4e             /usr            ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/da0s4f             /var            ufs     rw              1       1

Change it to reflect the Vinum volumes:

# $Id: fstab,v 1.3 2002/11/14 06:48:16 grog Exp $
# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
/dev/vinum/swap         none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/vinum/root         /               ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/vinum/usr          /usr            ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/vinum/var          /var            ufs     rw              1       1

Then reboot again to mount the root file system from /dev/vinum/root.  You  can
also  optionally  remove all the UFS partitions except the root partition.  The
loader doesn't know about Vinum, so it must boot from the UFS partition.

Once you have reached this stage, you can add additional plexes to the volumes,
or  you  can extend the plexes (and thus the size of the file system) by adding
subdisks to the plexes, as discussed on page 229.

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