On Saturday 15 March 2003 16:28, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> On Saturday, 15 March 2003 at 16:23:03 +1030, Malcolm Kay wrote:
> > I am planning to put up a FreeBSD system, probably 4.8-RELEASE
> > when it appears, to manage backups from a number of Unix and unix-like
> > systems on a LAN.
> >
> > Backups will be written nightly over the LAN to a local disk system and
> > transfered regularly to tape via a scsi tape-drive.
> >
> > I am under pressure to make this system fairly reliable with respect
> > to hardware failure - particularly disk drives. The thought is to use a
> > couple of fairly large drives, say 120 or 160Gb running as a mirrored
> > pair using vinum. Having no experience with vinum or software RAID
> > systems a number of questions come to mind:
> >
> > 1) All the examples appear to use scsi drives; but I assume EIDE are also
> > usable? IDE seems to be pretty good these days and much cheaper than
> > scsi.
> Yes, correct.  Note that you shouldn't have more than one disk per
> controller unless both use tagged queueing.

I'm not sure (== don't know) what tagged queueing is; but if for no other 
reason than performance I'd have placed the drives on different IDE ports.

> > 2)To what extent can the system be fully mirrored? Without RAID hardware
> > it seems to me that a conventional disk partition outside the mirrored
> > volume is probably necessary for mounting / ; is this true?
> Not completely.  Check the latest man pages.  4.8 will be able to
> handle root file systems on Vinum, though the manner in which it's
> done is not the same as it is for release 5 and later.

I seem not to have access to the latest man page vinum(8). At the moment
I'm running 4.7-STABLE and all I can find on www.FreeBSD.org under either
4.7-stable or 5.0-RELEASE is marked FreeBSD 4.7  December 20, 2000, which
I assume is not the latest you are refering to. Hopefully this will improve 
when I actually get hosd of 4.8-RELEASE.

> > 3)If the regular partition is necessary can this be taken as a modest
> > slice from one of the disks whose major part is devoted to the mirror
> > volume, and perhaps the corresponding slice on the other used for swap?
> Yes, this would be a possibility, but it's not necessary.


> > 4)If the converse is true that the entire system can reside inside the
> > mirrored volume then do I need a temporary additional disk to build the
> > system? In any case it seems that an outside region or separate physical
> > disk would be better for swap.
> No, there's a trick there.  I'm attaching the relevant text from
> upcoming fourth edition of "The Complete FreeBSD".  This relates to
> release 5, but the only difference is what you put in /etc/rc.conf and
> /boot/loader.conf, and that's in the man page.  Let me know if
> anything's confusing.

Appears to answer my questions but have not yet had time to fully comprehend.

> Greg

It seems it will end up better than I had expected.


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