On Sun, May 02, 2010 at 03:58:36AM +1000, David Rawling wrote:
> On 1/05/2010 11:55 PM, Polytropon wrote:
> >On Sat, 01 May 2010 11:59:52 +0100, Chris Whitehouse<cwhi...@onetel.com>  
> >wrote:
> >   

        [[ .... ]]

> Core 2 Duo E7400 (about 3GHz), single 7200rpm disk, embedded graphics 
> and network - 44W to 60W depending on what's happening at the time. 
> Adding a discrete GPU (I don't recall the model, but knowing me it's 
> probably a low-end ATI 3000 series) adds 10-30W, again depending on load.

        interesting that a 2-core is about what my ibm thinkpad
        3.08ghz is rated at.  it's from '05, used, natch, and i had
        ram and a harddrive upgrade.  just my 0.02cents' worth.

> Another Core 2 system, an E5200 I think, with 2 x 7200rpm notebook 
> disks, 4GB, embedded graphics and network is also measured at around 45W.
> I have an overclocked E6300 (running at 2.66GHz, so a 25% overclock), 
> 3GB of RAM, 2 x 7200rpm desktop drives, and a GeForce 7600 that pulls 
> 140W. Note that overclocking generally disables power saving features 
> and increases power use (linear with clock, square with voltage).
> Servers tend to be worse - I have a matched pair of Acer servers with 
> single 3GHz P4 class Xeons, 2GB of RAM, 3 x 7200rpm disks and dual NICs. 
> Those systems pull 220W and they're the next ones I'm ditching for 
> something that uses less power!

        i leave most of my boxen running 24/7, so it adds up.  when
        my new 2005 custom-built 2.8ghz box died last fall, i hauled
        it out.  i did have to buy the new Dell Core Duo (or
        whatever); that was months of head banging and begging
        favors.  and because my kvm wires are not plugged in
        correctly, i can't get to the server to (1) add X11 + KDE and
        (2) do anything graphic with ~kline on that system.  

        so waiting for somebody i can ask to come over and figure out
        what's going on.  THEN, i'll add my backup 2- or 4-core box
        as a server backup and to run pc-bsd on.  

> All the numbers above are measurements before the PSU input (using the 
> Australian version of the "Kill-A-Watt") so include the losses due to 
> the PSU itself.
> To go back to Gary's question, however, I would suggest that the new 
> Core i3 series of processors, along with a new board, will use 
> substantially less power than is marked on the PSU, especially if he is 
> not continually encoding video, rendering animation or designing the 
> next Sydney Harbour Bridge (replace with your own national monument if 
> desired). I use this in my HTPC, and it's quite capable of supporting 
> two XBox media extenders and encoding 576p video in close enough to real 
> time, all simultaneously; while doing so it's probably using less than 
> 110W of electricity.

        :-) more decoding than ecoding since i watch a lot of public
        tv streams.  because the house is only around 15meter above
        sea level, i'm keep an eye out for how how the sound rises
        here in seattle.  i'm thinking of planting some palm trees
        and retiring to Nome eventually... .  (do you hear these
        idjots who still believe the earth if flat and that global
        warming is a commie plot || whatever?  ...i just snap off the

        thanks for the core i3 series advice, dave. i'll surf around.



> Dave.
> -- 
> David Rawling
> Principal Consultant
> PD Consulting And Security
> Mob: +61 412 135 513
> Email: d...@pdconsec.net
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