guys, i just found a truckload of Just Outstanding fonts.  at the
CTAN .org site there must be hundreds of these superb serif
typefaces.  in my /home/kline/ directory, i have a ~/.fonts
directory.  but it's been awhile since i've added to it.  what's
the magic to getting these tex-gyre fonts can use them?  i would
like these to be available for abiword, OOo, as well as my tex
packages. clues, please.   

the second question is that a few hours ago i reinstalled
something from /usr/ports/print, the lyx15 port.  i played around
with this only one time and would like this list's opinion of it.

i'll probably continue to typeset my manuscripts by hand the way
i was learning in the early 90's.  would still like the general
consensus on lyx and related.



 Gary Kline  Public Service Unix
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