On Thu, Jun 03, 2010 at 02:13:22AM +0200, Roland Smith wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 07:32:20PM -0400, Lowell Gilbert wrote:
> > Gary Kline <kl...@thought.org> writes:
> > 
> > > guys, i just found a truckload of Just Outstanding fonts.  at the
> > > CTAN .org site there must be hundreds of these superb serif
> > > typefaces.  in my /home/kline/ directory, i have a ~/.fonts
> > > directory.  but it's been awhile since i've added to it.  what's
> > > the magic to getting these tex-gyre fonts can use them?  i would
> > > like these to be available for abiword, OOo, as well as my tex
> > > packages. clues, please.   
> > 
> > mkfontdir(1) and mkfontscale(1) are all you need.
> And fc-cache(1), I think.

i thought i mailed this several hours ago...  anyway, i nowhave
the tex-gyre font on both oo.org and abiword, but only on abiword
are my entire set of ~/.fonts/* ....

in several more houtrs i'll see what happens when i create a 10pt
pdf file from my test.tex.


> Roland
> -- 
> R.F.Smith                                   http://www.xs4all.nl/~rsmith/
> [plain text _non-HTML_ PGP/GnuPG encrypted/signed email much appreciated]
> pgp: 1A2B 477F 9970 BA3C 2914  B7CE 1277 EFB0 C321 A725 (KeyID: C321A725)

 Gary Kline  kl...@thought.org  http://www.thought.org  Public Service Unix
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