On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 11:49:37AM +0200, Eduardo wrote:
> You can use Softmaker products. They are not free but are MS-OO
> compatible, fast and linux version works fine under FreeBSD. Demo
> version works for a month.
> http://www.softmaker.com/english/

Interesting.  It looks like SoftMaker Office is in the ports tree, at:


I'll have to consider whether it's worth investigating as an alternative
to OO.o for my own purposes.  I'd rather not spend money on something
that I never use except when someone else "forces" me to do so, against
my better judgment and preferences, but it might be worth a few dollars
to avoid the annoyance of dealing with OO.o on the rare occasion that I
do need something MS Office compatible.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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