Polytropon wrote:
On Sat, 10 Jul 2010 10:53:17 +0800, Aiza <aiz...@comclark.com> wrote:
Trying the set the pkg_add environment variable PKGDIR using this

setenv PKGDIR="/usr/packages"  and get this error message
setenv: Syntax Error.

Of course. The sh shell doesn't have setenv.

man setenv is useless.

The manual entry of setenv can be found in "man csh". :-)

The question is how do I set a environment variable using the default freebsd shell?

You mean: FreeBSD's default scripting shell. :-)

        $ PKGDIR="/usr/packages"
        $ export PKGDIR


        $ export PKGDIR="/usr/packages"

Refer to "man sh" for details. The setenv command is a built-in for
the C Shell.

When I put export on the console command line I get this message
export: Command not found.

But I was able to get setenv and unsetenv to work this way

setenv PKGDIR "/usr/packages/"
unsetenv PKGDIR
and just setenv shows me everything already set.
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