It seems that you have DNS problems.
Login in your jail
go to /etc

Make a file called resolv.conf
which contains:

domain    your_jail_domain
nameserver    your_namerserver

and it will work...


PS sorry for the top posting.
I'm using outlook express :-(

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brice ERRANDONEA" <>
To: "Roland Smith" <>; <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 5:35 PM
Subject: Re : How to connect a jail to the web ?

I tried all of this without any result. But I won't give up.

What I want is a jail with an Apache http server running inside. So, the jail
must have a public IPv4 and access to the web.

What I'd understood of the jails' role (but I must have misunderstood) is that it will have a different public ip than the host, so that if a pirate manage to crack the server, he will only have access to the jail (the real public ip of the host remaining secret). Then I'm surprised to learn that such traffic will
be routed through the host.

The jail is created. The next step now is to install the ports collection inside
with portsnap fetch. But each time I try to run this command inside the jail
(with jexec), I get the same answer :

Looking up mirrors... none found.
Fetching public key from failed.
No mirrors remaining, giving up.

This makes me think my jail is not connected to the web. To check this, I tried
to ping various know websites. When I tried domain names, like "ping", this error message appears :

ping: cannot resolve : Host name lookup failure

So, I can't contact DNS servers able to translate to its ip.
Since I know this ip, I tried : "ping". This time, the error
message is :

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