On Tue, 14 Sep 2010, Chuck Swiger wrote:

On Sep 14, 2010, at 11:01 AM, Polytropon wrote:
On Tue, 14 Sep 2010 13:32:40 -0400 (EDT), d...@safeport.com wrote:
I found several directories whose permissions where set to

  dr-s--S--T   2 user group   512 Feb 22  2010 .procmail/

All were .procmail which is what we set for procmail logging and supporting
recipes. In reading 'man ls' it seems (to me) this might result from losing the
execute bit on the directory. Is this correct? Been BSDing since 1995 and have
not seen this set of permissions. Thanks for any insights.

After a short read of "man ls":
[ ... ]
Result: User can execute SUID, group cannot execute, others cannot search
or execute; sticky bit is set.

Except that this is a directory, not a file....  :-)

A bit of experimentation suggests that "chmod 7500 .procmail" are the 
permissions involved, which are silly.  No group permissions enabled means setgid is 
meaningless, and I don't see any value for using the sticky bit here, either.  Try using 
0500, 0700, or maybe 4500/4700 instead.

thanks all - the context of this: the users involved do not know what the chmod command is much less its syntax and I did not do this. What I was going for was could this be a procmail bug or perhaps something more alarming (to me as a sysadmin).

Douglas Denault
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