On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:23:08PM -0700, Jarrod Slick wrote:
> On 1/27/11 12:08 PM, elbbit wrote:
> >I am not going
> >>>  anywhere and the world will become self-aware in my presence.  It
> >>>  is why I have been born.
> You sound like a sociopath.

Actually, the correct term in this case is "megalomaniac".  The part that
makes him sound like a sociopath is the part where he says he's going to
spam people because he thinks his desires are more important than living
peacefully with other people.

I'm not likely to actually think he's a sociopath or megalomaniac at this
point, however.  He may merely be misguided.  I do not have enough
information to diagnose him.  He may even be a she, but I need to pick a
pronoun, so there it is (and for some reason people object when I use
"it" for people whose genders are unknown to me).

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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