On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 07:43:09PM +0000, elbbit wrote:
> On 27/01/11 19:23, Jarrod Slick wrote:
> > On 1/27/11 12:08 PM, elbbit wrote:
> >> I am not going anywhere and the world will become self-aware in my
> >> presence.  It is why I have been born.
> > You sound like a sociopath.
> You sound like you are just putting me in a box marked "crazy people"
> without inquiring how I came to this conclusion.  Your mind is closed.
> Only by asking questions will you learn anything new.  Sure, I have
> answers, and so does Google.  You can ask either or not at all.

. . . and you sound like a shady door-to-door salesman just trying to get
the foot in the door to sell someone a set of overpriced kitchen knives
he doesn't need.  I suggest you take a different approach that does not
alienate the people you think you want to convince to join you.

Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: http://owl.apotheon.org ]

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